Originally posted by JEL
I do very little slow-pitch, (10 or less per season) but being so close to Atlanta (I'm to cheap to buy airline tickets!) I would consider attending.
A four day school might be a bit too much time away from work though, a more condensed version (W/E) would be more appealing to me.
You cannot do it in a weekend. Are you implying that because it is SP, it can happen in a shorter period of time than that of FP? I certainly hope not.
Please let me make this clear. This is a step beyond anything else one may have experienced. This would not be for someone who is just looking for a school. Most likely, many things will be assumed such as your knowledge of the rules, present mechanics and the ability to perform and adapt to specific situations. It may very well include a fair amount of classroom work such as presenting solutions to case plays including rulings and the proper mechanics to cover the given play.
It may also involve working a tournament set up just for the school.
I wouldn't doubt that should this become a reality, ASA would tie it in as a qualifier or a substitute for a requirement for the Elite program.