Rule 9-13-1 A player shall not excessively swing his/her arm(s) or elbow(s) even without contacting an opponent.
9-13-2 A player may extend arm(s) or elbow(s) to hold the ball under the chin or against the body.
9-13-3 Actions of arm(s) and elbow(s) resulting from total body movements as in pivoting or movement of the ball incidental to feinting with it, releasing it, or moving it to prevent a held ball or loss of control shall not be considered excessive.
Penalty: (Section 13) The ball is dead when the violation occurs and is awarded to the opponents for a throw-in from the designated out of bounds spot nearest the violation.
6-7-9 exception 4: The ball does not become dead until the try or tap ends or until the airborne shooter returns to the floor, when an excessively swinging arm(s) or elbow(s) violation occurs by an opponent without making contact.