Originally posted by OldCoachNewRef
A1 rises to attemp a jump shot. B1 rises with A1 and blocks the shot out of A1's hands. While A1 and the ball are still in the air, A1 recovers the ball, comes back to the floor and starts a new dribble. Official rules the play is legal. Is the official correct?
This was a test question in class. Having just read through the case book I answered No. I got the question wrong.
4.43.3 sit A: A1 jumps to try for a goal. B1 also jumps and... (c) touches the ball and A1 returns to the floor holding the ball...
Ruling: ....In (c) a travelling violation.
My question, is there a difference between a block and a touch? Is this up to the judgement of the official?
I suppose you might say the difference is whether the ball left the shooter's hands. In your test question, it did. In the case book, it sounds as though it didn't.