Originally posted by BushRef
OK, but then how's A1 gonna throw the ball in?
First time you throw it at a player, then you let them score. That should take 4 or 5 seconds off the clock. A1 takes the ball out, counts to four and throws the ball as high and as far as possible. If B gets the ball in the back court you let them score, if the ball goes OOB you let them score and then take it out and repeat.
That should eat up the 20 seconds with A winning. Now if coach B is smart and has timeouts, he's using them after the made baskets. If coach A is smart, A1 is right under the basket and is grabbing the ball right out of the net, giving B less time to call the TO.
[Edited by blindzebra on Nov 9th, 2004 at 04:16 PM]