I know this isn't a score keepers site, but after attempting to settle several parents concerns about daughters stats and how they are kept, I figured I better ask the XXXXXX-perts, for their opinions. Yes, that is you guys.....
Playing recently (14U ASA Fastpitch) we had a pop fly to the outfield that the outfielder misjudged, didn't try hard or whatever, but didn't touch the ball and let it hit the ground. This was scored as a misjudgement and given a base hit.....Next inning comes up, and there is a routine pop fly to the infield behind short stop, the short stop takes 2-3 steps backwards trips and stumbles to the ground and the ball falls next to her.
Still within the infield. This was then also scored as a misjugdement and given as a base hit. Later, score keeper is approached that that was misplayed, not misjudged. Is there a difference, I guess is my question ?? Should these both be hits ??? Or errors involved????
If you guys could help I would be most appreciative.
(P.S. its amazing how close each parent is paying attention to not only their own daughters stats, but it would appear they pay more attention to everyone elses.)
Thanking you guys in advance.