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Old Tue Nov 09, 2004, 12:08am
MJT MJT is offline
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: Alton, Iowa
Posts: 1,796
If you want to do it, you can become very good if you put in the time and have a desire to be good.
Put in time on this board, and the McGriff board, reading and learning from the posts. Ask questions and get rule and casebooks and look up posted questions.
Read and highlight the most important parts of the entire rulebook every year. Study the casebook for play situations. Buy a "simplified and illustrated" book and an "officials manual" and learn the keys for your position.
Try to talk to other officials, get in an FB officials organization and learn as much as you can.
Start watching games from the officials perspective. Any time there is a penalty, think of what the enforcement is, where it will be enforced from and the status of the clock after enforcement.
I work FB, BB, and SB, and while others will have their own opinions, my opinion is there is no greater excitement in officiating than in football. You sound like you have the desire an official and we would love to have you!
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