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Old Mon Nov 08, 2004, 03:50pm
Kelvin green Kelvin green is offline
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I am joining this way late but

although not in the rule book I believe that screens MAY OR MAY NOT terminate the Clasely guarded count but I am going to use common sense as my guide Heres my two cents (Lets not get hung up in the semantics crap)

A1 has ball and is being aggrssively guarded by B1. A2 steps in between a1 and B1. B1 stops guarding A1 then the count stops.

If the screen forces B1 to go around and B1 is now chasing A1 from behind (the old get past the plyare to the basket the count stops thing) The count stops

If they are going from sideline to sideline and B1 steps around the pick, and the pick does not displace the B1 outside of a 6' distance I will keep the count just the same as if a player had switched on a pick and B2 had picked this up. If B1 is diverted on the pick outside of the 6', drop the count.

1) we all know when a player is being guarded and when a player is not.

2) You have to have LGP to establish closely guarded. Duh facing the player and guarding...

3) I believe we have to becareful about extending this path stuff too far (we have had this discussion before) but 99.78 % of the times(by the way thats scientifcally measured, path means between player and basket. ) I could actually see a few times a player is closely guarding a player from the backside (not between player and basket) due to placement of A's own team members but this will be the RARE exception!

THE BOTTOM LINE to closely guarded. NFHS wants us to get a count on when a player is being guarded within 6'. Not 1, not 2, not 3,4,or 5. I believe the POE is there because too many offcials were making closley guarded a 3 foot rule or not enforcing it at all.
It is designed to prevent a good ball handler from running around all day even though he may being harassed significantly from a defender .
It is designed to reward good defense.
It is designed to keep the game moving.
If the defense is working hard they should have counts to get rewarded for good D.

The NFHS wants us to swing our arms. Too many of us havent or dont, and it has created in some circumstances an actionless contest.

How many times has the offense stood out and waited for Defense to come out, running time off the clock. We will stand there forever, and I bt there is a player 10-15 ft off the offensive player in LGP. After a while the coach tells them go get them. the player steps in to 6' but we dont give the count.

As soon as this player steps in the count starts.

personally I'd like to see the NCAA drop the counts and reduce the shot clock by 5 or so seconds. (NBA style)

Which one are coaches more likely to complain about not getting a count on defense or getting one while they are on offense.

If the coach sees an arm counting the coach or team will yell out that we are counting. I have never seen a coach yell
"Ref you cant count, the defense is 6 1/2 ft away!"
"Ref I know my player is just screwing around wastuing time but you cant count because the defended wasn't in LGP to start!"
"you cant count, youre using the wrong path!"

Most coaches want the ball moved around even if they are in a 4 corner stall, and if youre counting because his player is being guarding and it is clear he is being guarded, the coach will get on the kids not us.

They WILL complain when their kids are playing great D and we are not counting or when they think we are slow.

The problem with a lot of officials is that we look to the rules to solve all of our liitle problems on the floor. They dont!. We have to use common sense to enforce the rules. If we cant figure out what closely guarded is when we step out on the floor, maybe we shold not be there.

Sometimes there is a stupid rule that we hate to enforce, but we enforce it.. I have even told a coach that.

Example. Kid just makes a great hustle play and rebound, but in doing so falls to the ground. Under NF rules it is a stupid violation but I call it anyway. I will tll a coach that he went down with the ball, and a travel, and that it is a stupid rule on a great hustle play but that's what we have do do...

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