Originally posted by Rich Ives
Originally posted by GarthB
Originally posted by Rich Ives
NTE $30
Absolutely amazing.
A true legal copy with all anotations? $199.00, easy. Put me down for two.
You failed Marketing 101 didn't you . . .
How many can you sell @ $30?
How many can you sell @ $199?
Which way are you better off?
Actually I aced my marketing classes and I've spent over 20 years in the profession.
Just as there is more to the JEA then you apparently understand, there is more to pricing then your level of comprehension grasps.
Using your (ahem) logic, a Lexus should be priced at $5,000.
Let's look at the potential market. All amateur umpires? Hardly. You and your lack of appreciation of what may be offered is example enough that that isn't the case.
We need to whittle the anticipated market down to those amateur umpires who either know what the JEA offers or who can be easily educated to understand that. Again, you apparently do not fit either of these groups.
Now then, we can compare value with what exists in the market place and estimate demand. (Why don't we consider the cost of the material? Because in the real world, that is insignificant. People don't care what something costs to produce, they make decisions based on what they are willing to pay. It;s quite simple really: decisions come down to "which would you rather have...the $199 or the JEA?
The demand by the market most likely to purchase a JEA will be effected only minimally by cost, provided it is not completely out of line with value and comparable material.
Or to put it in terms you might understand; out of 1,000 potential customers who fit the profile, let's say 500 (a low figure) will pay $199, while 950 (a high figure) would pay $30. In case you can't do the math, even with 450 fewer copies sold at the $199 price the gross revenue is still $71,000 more than selling 950 copies at $30.
Stick to coaching.