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Old Tue Apr 10, 2001, 01:00pm
Patrick Szalapski Patrick Szalapski is offline
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Re: Re: Why don't we look at the rulebook, gentlemen?

Originally posted by bob jenkins

Do you call a balk on every pitcher who steps to the side during his windup?

As I read the post (and I might be reading it wrong), this particular pitcher had just exaggerated the sideways step so it's now a forward step. He probably should be taught differently, but I wouldn't call it a balk in my game. [/B]
I understand your point, and this is one of the biggest areas of confusion/poor pitching mechanics that I hate. Let's put it this way:

I allow a side step in the wind-up, but not a forward step. They are both illegal by the rule book. Simply put, a side step is far too common to call. Several major league pitchers even do it.

But a forward step? No way. This motion, in one way, is the pitcher going from the windup to the set during his delivery, and is just so wrong and awkward that I cannot in good conscience allow it.

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