How would you rate this one: (this happened two years ago)
Visiting team up 5-2 going into the bottom of the inning. When the bottom of the inning started (following the third out of the top of the inning) we had 9 minutes left. They took their 1 minute warm up (as I gave the pitcher three pitches because they were slow coming out). Now we're down to about 8 minutes. First batter get to a 2-2 count and pops up. 1 out. Defensive coach makes a substitution, changed his right fielder as a left handed batter was coming up. I alerted both score keepers the change. Second batter gets a single to right field after a about 4 pitches. Defensive coach calls time, inserts new pitcher. She gets her 5 warm up pitches (approx 1 min). Proceeds to walk the batter after the count going full. Defensive coach calls time again. Inserts new pitcher. She gets her 5 warm up pitches (again about another minute). We're now down to about 3 minutes. This girl grounds out after about 5 pitches, to first, runners advance. 2 outs. Pitcher throws two ball in the dirt, coach calls time again. Inserts original pitcher. No warm up given. She throws ball three high. Timer goes off, signals end of game. I announce to both sides time has expired. Pitchers throw three heaters down the middle, strikes her out. Game over.
To me, he used the book to his advantage. All the umpires in the stands were complaining that he was stalling. All was legal by book rule. Did this violate 5-4-E?