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Old Thu Nov 04, 2004, 11:54am
tjones1 tjones1 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: Texas
Posts: 5,030
Originally posted by Hartsy
I'm going into my second year as an official, after what I thought was pretty good rookie season. I have been assigned many JV Boys and Girls games. Last year I only worked one JV level game.

Not sure if I'm a little jittery about the "move up", or if I'm just excited to get the season started.

How do you folks feel at this time of the year?


I always start my year working Jr. Girls for a couple of reasons. 1) Gets me going and some early running, 2) gets rid of the jitters and 3) if an injury occurs, you have plenty of time to get your spots filled. With that said, have fun!!! Basketball season is almost going (Varsity Girls start next week here). I hope everyone has a great season and I wish everyone luck!
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