Thu Nov 04, 2004, 11:22am
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Join Date: Jun 2001
Location: Clinton Township, NJ
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Originally posted by MJT
Originally posted by Bob M.
REPLY: For those saying to start the clock on the snap, how would you handle the clock on this play? PLAY: A, 4-5 from B's 40. A runs to B's 38 where he is tackled. During the run, B is detected incidentally grasping the runner's face mask. RULING: After enforcement, it will be A's ball, 1-10 from B's 33. Clock starts on the _______ ?
I am doing some digging in the books, thinking, and bouncing back and forth before I come back with my big reply, but Bob, your question is not remotely the same. There is no COP, which is the "potential" problem here. Obviously in your question, it starts on the RFP, but there was no COP, so that is a no brainer.
REPLY: You're correct in one thing...it starts on the ready. But wait a minute...didn't we stop the clock after the 4th down since A didn't make the line to gain? Isn't there a change of possession if there was no foul? Just like the original play. So each play has a change of possession--the original one via an interception, the mine via A's failure to make the line to gain.
Bob M.