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Old Tue Apr 10, 2001, 07:20am
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Re: Why don't we look at the rulebook, gentlemen?

Originally posted by Patrick Szalapski
What I gather is this: Pitcher in windup with free foot behind rubber. He steps forward with FREE foot, planting it in front of rubber. He pivots the pivot foot normally, then steps forward again with the free foot and pitches.

The pitcher, with his free foot, may: step once forward or step once backward then once forward with the free foot in his pitching motion. He shall not otherwise lift either foot (FED 6-1-2). (Obviously we are going to ignore a slight lift of the pivot foot in its pivot.)

Thus, for FED in the situation originally presented, this is a balk/illegal pitch (6-1 PEN).

Do you call a balk on every pitcher who steps to the side during his windup?

As I read the post (and I might be reading it wrong), this particular pitcher had just exaggerated the sideways step so it's now a forward step. He probably should be taught differently, but I wouldn't call it a balk in my game.
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