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Old Thu Oct 28, 2004, 03:59pm
Steve M Steve M is offline
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A couple of years ago, we had a discussion on the possibility of a running lane violation by the batter-runner on a walk. At that time, Fed had just taken the position that the batter-runner must advance to first within the running lane or risk being called out on interference if hit by a throw to first. In a hotel room discussion with 3 members of ASA's national staff, my state uic, several district uic's, and a guy who was then an asst state uic (I think you were there, Mike), it was made very clear that ASA did not agree with Fed - the B-R was awarded 1B and could not be put out on a running lane violation because there was no legitimate play to be made at 1B - until after the B-R had passed 1B. These same folks - some of whom are pretty well known in the NCAA ranks - at least 3 world series and I don't know how many regionals - made the statement that the NCAA had the same position as the ASA. Until today, I accepted that without question. I agreed strongly with the ASA and NCAA position - and I still do. However, I have an email from Dee Abrahamson, forwarded to me by a friend, that states the NCAA position is the same as the Fed position. She also stated that there will be a note added to Rule 12, Section 2, Article a to clarify their position. I am surprised and disappointed, but will call their games using their rules and rulings.

Mike - Any chance that ASA is going to make this rule change?
Steve M
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