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Old Wed Oct 27, 2004, 07:44am
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Re: Holy Smokes, Batman!

Originally posted by Nevadaref
Wow! I'm really surprised by the number of people in this thread who provided incorrect answers.

Now there is some question as to whether the final Ts will offset. The way I read the rule (and I would love to know, if someone can demonstrate decisively that this is incorrect) is:
There are THREE Categories that the team personnel who can be penalized will fall under:
1. Player on the court who participates in the fight.
2. Team member leaving the bench, who does NOT participate.
3. Team member leaving the bench and DOES participate.

Note that Category 1 does not carry any indirect T for the head coach.

You only cancel the FTs for players in the same category.
If Team A is due 2 FTs from Category 1, but Team B is due 2 FTs for Category 2, and Team A is due 6 FTs for Category 3, the officials should administer a total of 10 free throws. 8 to Team A and 2 for Team B. The way the current Penalty rule is written these do NOT offset. (Rule 10, Summary of Penalties for All Fouls #8 a + b)
(portions of the above snipped)

1) In your categories, you forgot the coach -- it matters not whether s/he participates or not (by rule -- as a practical matter, if the coach is serving as peace-keeper, don't penalize).

2) Fouls across categories *do* offset. So, in your example A would shoot 6 throws (8 - 2) and get the ball. See 6.4.3 for one example
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