Originally posted by SMEngmann
It depends on the area, here all varsity is 2 person except for the top league which has gone to a three person system. Most of the later rounds of the playoffs use 3 person as well. I also know of some places where all HS games are done in crews of 3, but the officials take a $15 pay cut to make it happen.
I expect NevadaRef would like to know which state you're describing!
In Oregon, all high school ball is 2-whistle. Period. Except for a couple of isolated camp or tournament thingys. Fees run around $38 - $45 (not including mileage) per ref per game for varsity, depending on the size of the school. In Portland. Play-off and tournament games pay more, I don't know exactly how much. I don't know for sure what fees are in the rest of the state, but I understand they are similar.