Yes, we definitely discussed this at halftime - encouraging him to use the SW if necessary. Also discussed dead-ball officiating. I think it wasn't just inexperience - it was his youth as well. But he was an avid listener at halftime, and understood what we were saying - he'll be fine. I learned something from this as well.
PS - I kind of dislike the passive communication thing "Jeff, tell the coach blah blah blah" in the coaches earshot. I think it's insulting to the coach, just like think it's insulting to us when the coach yells at his players (players that were not saying anything to their coach to begin with) "I don't care if they are holding you, break free!" or "Don't worry about the holding, these guys are never going to call it." I think I really should have spoken briefly to the coach telling him I saw the play and it wasn't a late hit.