Originally posted by Smitty
Originally posted by Jurassic Referee
Originally posted by Ref in PA
Originally posted by xxssmen
After the timeout the official goes to the table and ask the score keeper to add the score and make sure it is right, after a few minutes of adding the score keeper said that he made a mistake and tha team A is up by 1.
Why would the scorer re-add up all the points and alter the running score? Is not the running score the official score and the individual points just icing on the cake?
The running score is used as the official score IF you can't find any discrepancy. If the scorer does find a mistake, and knows for sure that it is a mistake, then you can alter the book and the running score at any time to reflect that mistake. The R can only alter rthe book himself if he has specific knowledge that the scorer screwed up.
I thought the official book was the official score, not the scoreboard. If there is a discrepancy and the official book differs from the scoreboard, the official book is what you go with. No?
Only if you can't determine what the discrepancy is. If you can figure out which are in error, you go with whatever is correct.