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Old Fri Oct 22, 2004, 12:15pm
Bill D Bill D is offline
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 39
You ask "how are we supposed to know a difference such as this which does not show up as an exception"?

My first answer is that it helps to have an understanding of how certain rules changes came about. As Bob M. explained, the rule changing the basic spot from the goal line to the succeeding spot for plays resulting in touchbacks came about in 1996 to avoid safeties when B fouled in the field of play after an interception in the end zone.

Don't be too quick to dismiss the old timers. Contrary to your view, this is not one of the times that "our oldtimers" stuff is too ingrained. Of course, my umpire has to remind me at least once a season that holding is ten yards and not fifteen but that's another story.

When you relied on 10-4-5d in this case, you were ingoring 5-2-4 which is clear that if K accepts the foul for illegal kick there will be another free kick. If they decline the penalty, it will be a touchback.

I don't know how "new" an official you are as opposed to an "old timer" but I applaud your diligence and willingness to get in the book. Keep it up!!
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