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Old Fri Oct 22, 2004, 10:16am
BoBo BoBo is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2002
Location: Indianola, Ia
Posts: 319

Don't be afraid to talk to each other on the field. This being among yourselves(officials) and to the players. A good thing to do at times when you have a big play at the sideline or near it is come in and compliment each other on a good call. In this instance say come over and say " Good no call Jim(whatever his name may be) I saw the whole thing as well." You do not need to scream but loud enough where any coach within ear shot can hear you. Be supportive towards one another out there. We have very few friends during the game.

Talk to the kids as well. Encourage them to play hard and stop at the whistle. If somebody makes a nice play politely and quietly let them know. They can be your allies if you treat them with respect.

One trick I have learned instead of yelling directly at the coach I may talk/yell at my wing man and say something like "Jeff tell the coach over there when that end actually holds his end we will call it." In a round about way you are communicating to the bench but not directly but rather thru your crewmembers. Very rarely does your wing man have to repeat your statement to the bench and they will get your message. Remember to once again to do it respectivley.

Remember to never show up a coach as you do not want him to show you up.
"Call what you see and see what you call!"
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