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Old Fri Oct 22, 2004, 07:58am
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Originally posted by Dan_ref
Originally posted by bob jenkins
Originally posted by Bizket786
If A1 runs out of bounds underneath the basket to recieve a pass from A2 that is considered a technical on A1 right?
FED: Yes

Also if a player is running after a loose ball and come from out of bounds to get it that is a violation right?

I don't know if we're reading the play the same way but under ncaa if a player goes OOB "under his/her own volition" it is a violation (not a T) if he/she/it is the first to touch the ball after coming back inbounds.
Right. But that's on the "use a screen, go OOB, come back in, get the pass" play. That's because "leving the court" is not for an authorized reason in this play.

If it's "saving the ball" that's still (I think) allowed -- here, this is an "authorized reason" to leave the court. I do know the rules book still has the AR in it that discusses this.

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