Infield fly response
I agree with what everyone has said. But you bring up an interesting dilema in middle school. In middle school 99.9% of the time a double play will not occur(on an infield
fly) because the ability and knowledge of players is not at the point where they know how to turn a double play on a missed fly ball that would normally be considered an infield fly in high school
In fact when an infield fly is dropped in middle school, the majority of the time the runners advance safely at their own risk
In the game that I did, the left fielder missed a routine fly that was hit in the infield. Everyone advance easily and all players including the batter-runner would be easily safe if I had not called the infield fly. In short, what I am saying is that when a middle school fielder misses an infield fly, the majority of the time all runners advance safely.
Should we be more hesitant to call an infield fly in middle school since player have trouble turning a double play?