REPLY: I have to agree with Bill D that since this was a free kick, this is a foul during a loose ball play, and the basic spot is the previous spot. NF 10-4-5d is there to cover only running plays that result in a TB. Consider this play: B intercepts A's pass in B's end zone. He tries to run it out, but is tackled in the endzone. During his run, B22 holds on B's 6. Up until 1996 when NF 10-4-5d was added, the basic spot was the end of the run. Since it was behind the spot of the foul and in B's endzone, enforcement would result in a safety. 10-4-5d was added to correct that inequity. Now, the result after enforcement will be B's ball 1-10 @ B's 3. NF 10-4-5d was never intended to address loose ball plays that resulted in a TB--only running plays where the end of the run was in the endzone and resulted in a TB.
Bob M.