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Old Wed Oct 20, 2004, 01:24pm
Ed Hickland Ed Hickland is offline
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Originally posted by ljudge
Rule 9.9 wouldn't cover this but 1.1.6 definitely does. I would only reserve this if the strap is faulty. I've had something close to this were I have chopped in the RFP and a kid said "ref my chin strap is unbuckled." My response was "you got time, buckle it!"

If it is faulty and A has no TO's remaining then that player must be replaced for at least a down.

1) Start clock on snap

2) Start clock on RFP but don't give a full 25-second to snap the ball

3) Put time back on the clock and start on RFP
I am interested in why 9.9 would not work. To be precise 9.9.3 for making a travesty of the game. Unbuckling a chin strap in order to maniuplate the clock is an unfair act.

Forget the rules for a minute. What you want to do is have A snap the ball. It is simple since the clock is within 25 seconds. Shut it off and announce this is the last play of the game as A has committed an act which makes the travesty of the game. In order to not have A take an unfair advantage there will be one more play. If you want to make the act an unsportsmanlike penalty you can do so but make A, at least, snap the ball.

Also, in regard to the score. If B has no chance of changing the outcome of the game, I would not ready the ball until 24 seconds remain.
Ed Hickland, MBA, CCP
[email protected]
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