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Old Wed Oct 20, 2004, 11:09am
ChuckElias ChuckElias is offline
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To touch the ball legally during the try, A2 must either:

a) touch the try before it reaches its maximum height (on the way up); or

b) on its downward flight, touch the ball outside the imaginary cylinder when there is NO chance for the ball to enter the basket. (If A2 touches the ball on its downward flight while the ball has a chance to enter the basket, it would offensive goaltending, so obviously not a legal touch.)

It seems crazy that A2 would touch the ball on its way up (trying to block his teammates shot?). But if A2 touches the ball on the way down when it has NO chance of going in, then the try had already ended. Which means that if it then goes in (when the buzzer had already sounded), the goal would not count.
Any NCAA rules and interpretations in this post are relevant for men's games only!
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