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Old Tue Oct 19, 2004, 01:19pm
gordon30307 gordon30307 is offline
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Posts: 915
Originally posted by NC*BLUE
Well that makes your job real easy then, because you can make the calls the way it appears to everyone else and avoid any conflict what so ever, everyones happy yay! How about getting the call right, I have no problems talking to anyone why I made a call the way I did if I knew the call to be correct. Im not gonna make a call based on how it appeared so I can avoid conflict.
Your missing the point. About 5 or 6 years ago in "The Show"
no PU ever called a strike above the belt. The rule book to paraphrase said the high point was at the "letters". At that time if you called a stirke "at the letters" your crew chief would talk to you your supervisor would talk to you etc. Even though as per rules you would be correct. It was expected by all that a pitch above the belt was a ball. I gurantee if you kept it up you wouldn't be in the show for long. Even though you were right.

Now if you want to be the "lone voice in the wilderness" I gurantee you will be in the wilderness. Remember don't be like the salmon and swim upstream. When the salmon gets there he dies.
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