Originally posted by Gee
I don't see how Joe West ruled that Manny didn't go on that pitch. I realize Manny was not making an attempt to hit the ball but that is not part of the equation and West showed that he didn't make it part of the equation when he animated the swing to show that Manny held the bat back which he clearly didn't do.
I Guess Randy Marsh didn't like the call either and burned Ortez on a subsequent questionable third strike checked swing. Whuzup? G.
Gee If memory serves I think it was TEE who mentioned that there was some form of videotape etc. I apologize as I can't remember all the details (perhaps TEE will fill us in) showing that in most instances the player indeed went. However, that is with slo-mo etc. at one's disposal.
Also, in my opinion the Super-Stars no matter what sport you talk about get the benefit of the calls.
Pete Booth
Peter M. Booth