Originally posted by SMEngmann
It was a bit tough, and I don't like making complicated calls, but B2 contacted A1, causing both to go to the floor. I clearly saw two fouls, but the question, particularly working alone, of making the call and then enforcing the penalty of 4 shots, two for each foul in the context of a JH game made me decide to go with just the common foul, and nobody complained. I guess from a game management standpoint, with no complaints, I used good judgement, but then I keep asking myself, why is that rule there and that case play there if it's never gonna be enforced? Personally, I don't think the penalty is fair and it strongly discourages making the call.
You don't think 4 shots is fair, but you essentially let B2 knock A1 down wihout penalty. Is this fair?
If the contact is substantial, it has to be penalized.