#1 pee-wee game white quaterback gets hit late by blue.
Im the WH so I flag it and watch what else happens (incomplete pass BTW) white quarterback gets up and punches blue player who hit him late. Blue punches back so I get the players have the wing guys escort them to respective benches while i look at the press box and give signals ejecting both playes....white coach comes out onto the field and bups me ripping off his shirt yelling calling me a P#@ssy which i have my special 15 flag in my back pocket that ejects him....but unfortunately we needed cops (there already) to get him to leave I believe he was charged and had to pay a fine for disorderly conduct.
#2 same year same pee-wee league different teams
Im a U in 3 man with a green pea for a WH (we do that often to give them the feel for the game i keep him straight as the U) we have a pass over the middle to a TD who get clobbered early my L throws a flag for DPI but has his whistle in his mouth so when he took a breath to throw hif flag he had a IW.... well after the DPI the ball was actually tiped by a defender caught by A and ran in for A TD that had to come back because of the IW.... we ruled that since the foul occured before the IW we gave A the foul 1st and 10 well dont you know a goes four and out andt ther coach is screaming that he should have had that touchdown yadda yadda i tell him get back on the sideline he doesnt and instead swears at me so I hit him with 15 he then pick up my flag and throws it>>>i responded with....HEY COACH...LOOK I GOT ANOTHER AND NOW.....YOUR EJECTED.... at which point he was given a three game suspension by league officials