1. Can a punter punt the ball twice? I.E. - Punter's kick is blocked at the LOS and rolls back to the punter who kicks the ball again. I would think this is legal, but wanted to throw it at you guys to make sure.
2. How to penalize...
Quarterback is in his EZ when he throws the ball to the 30 where it is intercepted. The quarterback is drilled away from the play after the change of possession, but during the play and so the WH throws a flag for USC. The interceptor runs for a touchdown.
Our crew, which I was the youngest member of, took 15 yards from the end of the run, and so gave the ball to B at the 15 yard line?? Could be right, but I thought all live ball USC's are treated as dead-ball fouls and so this penalty should've been assessed at the succeeding spot?