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Old Mon Oct 18, 2004, 09:38am
WindyCityBlue WindyCityBlue is offline
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 554
I'll try to clarify.

The first official on this out route was looking right at it. It was going to be tough, but he immediately signalled that it was complete, stop the clock and placed his foot on the spot where he thought the player went OOB. He was facing the middle of the field while signalling. The other official (BJ?) came running down the line and was signalling incomplete while he was moving. He was trying to make eye contact, but not until he was just a few feet away, did the calling official acknowledge him. His signals were definitive and the calling official acquiesced. The original call was not a juggle or control question. It was all about feet and the catch was made with he and the calling official face to face. The only thing I can think of is that the BJ came in to say that both feet had not come down in bounds.

I'm more concerned with teh mechanic.
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