Thread: Coaches Actions
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Old Mon Oct 18, 2004, 08:56am
JasonTX JasonTX is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Texas
Posts: 762
During a pee-wee game this past saturday. We are working a 3 man crew. Referee and two wings. The snapper starts the snap and the QB simulates like he has the ball, the snapper keeps the ball and runs for an apparent TD. We throw flags. None of us could tell if QB took the ball and handed it back to the snapper or if it was just an illegal snap. The coach goes wild and is on the field telling us this is legal. Right in front of the kids he is cussing. We tried to explain the rules for a legal snap and the rules for handing the ball forward to a lineman but his cussing got worst. Two flags and we told him he had to leave the field. This was supported by the commissioner of the league. During halftime some curious fans didn't have any clue as to why this was illegal. Since they were polite I showed them the rule book. They still didn't understand. During halftime we got word that the coaches were telling the players to just start hitting whether it was late hits or not. During the third qtr. a player gets injured and then tells us he was punched between the legs. We warned the team if their coach has put them up to late hits that the game would be called. Next play the runner goes OOB. He was hit way OOB and then piled on. We ended the game right then. By then police were on every corner of the field in case the fans got stupid.
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