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Old Mon Apr 02, 2001, 12:38pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
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Exclamation Well........

Originally posted by Ref42
"This is totally incorrect. Tim Higgins did the Michigan St./Arizona game, and those were not his partners. "

Your words "Totally Incorrect", what does that mean then? What part of the word "Totally" are you saying meant "I did not say that the officials were not the officials working".

Seems to me you have a little of the inconsistency disease that the MD/Duke officials had?
Were the officials not the ones that did the game that were stated here. It still is totally incorrect if what was stated is wrong. It does not matter that the officials were correct, but if you have the wrong game and who worked together, it seems pretty incorrect to me. But again, I am not the one trying to act like I had the "Inside Stuff."

I have one last question, did you come here to name drop or did you come here to give information. I really do not think it really matters who did what and when, you are so caught up on the fact that you had who was doing the game, you messed up. You did not get it right, you did not have the correct games right, and you did not have the right partners. All you seemed to do was have the officials (so far) that were doing the tournament, after that you got it all wrong.

Just a thought

[Edited by JRutledge on Apr 2nd, 2001 at 12:43 PM]
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