Thread: Coaches Actions
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Old Wed Oct 13, 2004, 09:51pm
chiefgil chiefgil is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Alexandria, LA
Posts: 175
Get on the bus

Home team 42 - Visitors 0

Visitors finnally get a drive late in the 4 QTR. 1 & goal at the 1. Defense lines up with no nose guard, and no middle LB.

At the snap it becomes evident why the score is 42-0. QB pitches out to the TB around the left side. TB gets hit, knocked in the air at the 5, drops the ball, and his body continues in-flight well into the EZ. But the ball is lying at the 1. B jumps on it, 1st down Red.

Visitors band starts playing, the cheerleaders are cheering, the pom-pom squad is pom-poming, just a generl state of euphoria, until we signal 1st down for the other team.

The coach wants a conference.
"Why is it not a TD"
"Because the ball did not cross the GL"
"But my player is in the EZ"
"Coach, let me explain. If you drive a Greyhound bus into the EZ, and the ball ain't on the bus, it ain't a touchdown"
"Why not?"
"Because the ball did not cross the GL"
"Well what is it then?"
"1st down for the other team"

yada, yada, yada...

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