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Old Wed Oct 13, 2004, 06:42pm
gordon30307 gordon30307 is offline
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 915
There are too many personal attack in this forum. This should be used as an exchange of ideas and viewpoints. There are probably a lot of newbies who would like to ask questions but are reluctant to because they may get flamed. Quite frankly I could care less what level you work at. There are lots of guys doing high school varsity and juco that because of jobs or family can't travel and do D1. And there are a lot of guys doing park district and various leagues that would be excellent high school officials but can't get off early to do high school games.

I don't want to hear how great you are. If you have something to share please do so. Remember what your mother said if can't say something nice about someone just keep it to yourself.