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Old Wed Oct 13, 2004, 05:48pm
Jurassic Referee Jurassic Referee is offline
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Re: Re: BINGO !!!

Originally posted by Dan_ref
1) I'm left thinking you both have egos that are far too tender to be doing this type of work.

2) If you're too concerned about being showed up in front of the assembled masses then demand your 20 second huddle before you finally agree to change your mind. But make sure you do the demanding during the pregame. Or forever hold your peace.
[/B][/QUOTE]1) What about me? What about poor JR? If you cut me, don't I bleed also? What about MY tender ego? Huh?

2) You're missing the point too. It's got absolutely nothing to do with being shown up, or JR's poor little ego(even though I certainly do enjoy a l'il pat on the head every now and then- or my ears scratched). It's about saying that you HAVE to use a procedure, without exception, in situations that the procedure was never intended to be used in. It might be great for 99% of the cases that come up, but there might be that one case where the original calling official was completely sure that he had the call right. If that's the case, then I AIN'T gonna change my mind, or the call, if I'm that sure that I had it right. This procedure is great for any occasion where there might be the slightest doubt, but it's not meant to be used in situations where 2 officials plain and simply disagree about a call. In that case, if the official that made the original call is adamant that he really had nailed the call, then he shouldn't be overruled. And certainly he shouldn't have to put up with some dildo changing his call without having the common decency to even talk to him about it first. And, yes, you certainly can pre-game to use both procedures if necessary. Not hard to do at all.

[Edited by Jurassic Referee on Oct 13th, 2004 at 06:53 PM]
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