Wed Oct 13, 2004, 04:47pm
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Re: BINGO !!!
Originally posted by DownTownTonyBrown
Originally posted by rainmaker
Chuck, it's NOT the same. With the huddle, I change my own call. With the overruling thing, you holler to everyone in the gym that I blew it royal. Okay, YOU don't, but that's what they hear. At this point I might as well take a long walk on a short pier.
Aaahhh yes, the subtle finesse of the boisterous over-ruler. Which way to the pier?
All for a point. No not to make clear an important concept... I mean a point, a single point, a score of one, in a basketball game full of single points. One official goes on, unaware of the inflicted injury as the town braggadocio, another goes to the pier of infamy, and one team looses a single point in a game of missed shots and violations.
A different perception.
I guess this has prepared me for when someone bragadocio does it to me. Yeah, whatever, partner. Water off a duck's back... at the pier.
Tony -- I don't get it. Sorry. All I'm saying is that I don't need any help to look lousy. I do need a partner who wants us both to look good. This kind of overruling isn't accepted around here, and if someone does it, it makes both refs look ridiculous. That's just the perception. If we get together, and I change my call, that's teamwork and getting the call right. If my partner overrules me, we both lose any credibility we may have had. And after this thread, I'll be pre-gaming this every time.