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Old Wed Oct 13, 2004, 09:51am
gordon30307 gordon30307 is offline
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Originally posted by mbyron

I'm a relative novice to umpiring, and I'd really like to understand what coaches might be aiming at by asking the location of a pitch. Thanks.
I don't think you can give a general answer. They might simply want to know where the pitch was or they might be testing your demeaner and confidence behind the plate to get an edge latter in the game or perhaps they are try to get a feel for your zone. Most coaches are just looking for consistentcy. The bast unintended compliment that you will ever get is when you ring a guy up on a called third and the batter complains to the coach and you over hear the coach say "knock it off he has been calling that a strike all game. I see no problem in answering the question. It was up coach or it was out coach. Naturally you don't want this after every pitch but a few times per game is OK with me.