Coaches snipe or ask stupid questions, and some of the lines that go through my head would make Seinfeld proud.
But I have learned to refrain from the smart a$$ answer. It always seems to escalate the situation. I am now much more adept at answering in such a way that he knows he is getting on my nerves, that exasperated type of response that lets him know I've about had it with the questions.
In my younger days, I tossed coaches for sport. I never tossed one that didn't deserve it, but I did nothing to defuse the situation, or nothing to "game manage" to keep everyone around. I still got great evaluations and moved up the ranks (and no, I never did any minor league baseball, Windy, as it is not available in our area, and I was not about to give up my real job to travel for minor league ball), but since I have gotten older and wiser, I have learned that the chip on the shoulder, "I'm in charge no matter what" type of attitude just isn't necessary. In 120-150 games a year, I now average 1-2 ejections, and zero smart a$$ responses. And no, the coaches aren't getting away with more, I just am not looking to put them down, or "keep them in their place". I know who's in charge on the field, and I rarely have to remind anyone of it.
Beleive me, I WANT to give a smart a$$ answer, I THINK the smart a$$ answer, I have just learned not verbalize the smart a$$ answer.