You make some great points and I believe in what you are saying. It seems like umpiring is making a 180 degree turn from "live and die" with your calls to now what seems like the football approach to discussing calls on the field.
The recently adopted "get it right" philosophy has some merit but you have to know HOW and WHEN to use it. For the most part, I think it's evolved as a tool to apease(sp?) the players and managers. Perhaps, it also brings a more working relationship between managers/players and umpires which for a while anyways, was going in almost opposite directions.
Bottom line - work hard on the field to build your angles and get in the best position possible to make your calls. Also, know your responsibilites as well as your partners responsibilites for each play and only get help as a last resort. By doing this, it should limit the possibilities for managers requesting assistance from other crew members.