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Old Tue Oct 12, 2004, 02:08pm
Forksref Forksref is offline
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Originally posted by MI Official
Had a close game friday between 2 rivals, in a storm that was amazing(just rain). The home team has two late hit oob calls on them. after the 2nd, the coach says that it was bull sh@t, and are we really going to call that with the scored tied? I tell him yes, score is irrelevent. He then said the field was wet and that the call was still garbage. So I said to him, "if its wet, then they can lay-out anyone when ever they want?" and the coach said, "Yes!"

Thank god is was just an ***'t.
I was doing a small college game a few years ago. A home team player was injured and it was taking a long time for the medical staff to attend to him on the field. The visiting head coach yelled out, "Get him off the field!"

After hearing that and deciding that was the stupidest thing I've ever heard a coach say, it was with great satisfaction that I heard that he was fired after the season. He was a total jerk and every crew had flagged him sometime during the season.
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