Originally posted by DownTownTonyBrown
Perhaps we will get some SANE clarification. 
I've got my fingers crossed.
You might want to uncross them. Keeping them crossed too long may make them turn blue from lack of oxygenated blood and then they'll fall off. There seems to be a trend in most baseball organizations to NOT think things through thoroughly. Loopholes are left in and sometimes it takes a couple of years to correct them. It's usually a "we meant this, but wrote this" kind of situation.
I too have already addressed the "safety aspect" of the issue in an earlier post and agree with you. Based on other things the FEDeralies allow via the rules I also fail to see the relevance of this being a safety issue. By everyone's own admission this situation rarely occurs but the FEDs want to treat it like a real safety issue? C'mon dudes, get real.