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Old Mon Oct 11, 2004, 03:32pm
DownTownTonyBrown DownTownTonyBrown is offline
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Originally posted by GarthB
I know that is supposed to scoop everyone, but a few days ago, on a private email list I saw the contents of a conversation between a southern state Fed clinician and Elliot HOpkins that took place after Tim Steven's article and which appears to be saying two things:

1. The majority opinon of the FED national rules committee is that a ball cannot be "lodged" in a fielder's glove.

2. The issue has yet to be completely decided, despite Elliot's earlier comments. A final interpretation, and an explanation of what "lodged" means will be forthcoming in January.

Stand by, this could get really interesting.
Is there some sanity entering into this discussion? I really cannot fathom this SAFETY issue. A thrown glove with a lodged baseball is dangerous? WHAT! What a pile of garbage. A thrown baseball by itself is much more dangerous. A ball with a pound of leather padding around it is very difficult to throw very far but I think it is quite a stretch to consider it dangerous.

I feel the real issue of a lodged/trapped ball is that it is not available to be used. The defensive player is digging the ball out of a catcher's chest protector, or out of equipment left lying on the field, or out of someone's shirt ... I can't make a play with a ball that I can't get my hand around.

Perhaps we will get some SANE clarification.

I've got my fingers crossed.
"There are no superstar calls. We don't root for certain teams. We don't cheat. But sometimes we just miss calls." - Joe Crawford
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