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Old Sun Oct 10, 2004, 08:42am
umpyre007 umpyre007 is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2001
Posts: 118
[QUOTE]Originally posted by bob jenkins

Still, the rules can't cover every situation. They're supposed to be written by gentlemen for gentlemen, not by lawyers for lawyers.
I forgot this when I replied earlier to you. Rather than edit my original response I'll make this a new post. Don't want to be accused of editing out something by some on this list.

If rules still adhered to this old adage ("by gentlemen for gentlemen") the game would be much better off. However, with the advent of powerful owners, agents, players and their respective union, rules must have their I's dotted and T's crossed properly. After all, the changing of an existing rule or the introduction of a new rule could adversely affect the wage-earning capability of a player or someone else. Now I know this thread is addressing a FED rule but even the potential wage earning capability of HS players has been taken to court.

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