A fellow official presented us with this play and now we're wondering if anyone has any creative rulings that might possibly be more fair. I checked the threads back 60 days and couldn't find anything on it so here goes:
Team A trails, 7-6. Team A has the ball 4th and 10 at the 50 yardline and one second remaining. A12 scrambles all the way down to team B's 5 yardline. Realizing that he would not make the end zone, A12 throws a forward pass and A75 catches the pass in team B's end zone.
Here's what we think....
A12 is guilty of an illegal forward pass in both high school and college. This seems to be the only foul on the play. There is no inelligible receiver (or inelligible downfield) foul since this is not a legal forward pass, therefore, no OPI (in a US high school game).
If declined by team B, the play would result in a touchdown for team A. Hence team B's only real option is to take the foul, which is a running play and the spot of the foul and the end of the run are the same spot AND the enforcement spot. Team A will be penalized 5 yards (the loss of down part of this foul does not apply since the yardage gained, minus the penalty will result in a first down). Team A will be allowed to run an untimed down from the team B 10 yardline. The extension of the period does not seem fair. However, there is nothing by rule that can be offered to team B, other than accepting the penalty and playing an untimed down. Team A can line up and kick a field goal or run one more play...
If this is the case, every team that is in this situation could or should run this play...not much to lose.