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Old Fri Oct 08, 2004, 01:16pm
Kelvin green Kelvin green is offline
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If this were a serious problem, NF would have dealt with it because the coaches would be up in arms. If you have people playing at or above rime level stuff happens and not all of it is illegal. So a few balls that might be affected by a rattling back board so what?

If you ply on a court with hydra-port standards and someone runs into it and causes vibration, should that be a something?

Dang the center twists his ankle on a fast break and holds up. Guess we need to even it out by stopping the clock, and letting a sub come in and then...

Why do we let people slide across the floor after diving after the ball, (the legal type)? It;s just not fair?

It's not fair that the defense has both low blocks on a FT.

Two players going after ball collide with no advantage, must be a double foul to protect the kids.

Its not fair player can save ball out of bounds and then come back after it. It needs to touch someone else?

The rules are rules! They are there and what's agreed upon if something happens and it hurts one team or another not my fault. Somone will change them but I am not going to make something up just cause it might be fair
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