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Old Thu Oct 07, 2004, 12:58am
canuckrefguy canuckrefguy is offline
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With any 3-whistle crew I've been on, it's always been "all bets are off" on rebounding fouls - that whatever the foul, wherever it is in the paint, someone has to go get it. And it doesn't matter who calls it. Having said that, of course, if the lead is making ALL of the rebounding calls, there's a problem. But to say it's NEVER lead's call is incorrect. The lead's angles are often the same in 3-person as it is in 2-person.
HOMER: Just gimme my gun.
CLERK: Hold on, the law requires a five-day waiting period; we've got run a background check...
HOMER: Five days???? But I'm mad NOW!!
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