Within the past couple of seasons I've been seeing backs sort of quickly coming out of their 3-point stance with a quick forward motion, then a slight turn to the right (or left) and continuing motion. It seems that coaches are hoping to get the defense to jump in that situation...just my opinion. Calling a false start (using 7.1.7b) is looking for trouble but I can't help but notice.
I always let this go but it when it happens I'm just about to blow a whistle for a false start thinking the back missed the snap count and realize that's how they're coaching it.
It's a continuous motion. It's NOT like "uh-oh... better continue my motion so the ref thinks I didn't miss the snap count."
Thoughts? Any of you notice this??? Do any of you call this a foul? Again, I don't as I think it's looking for trouble in doing so.