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Old Fri Mar 30, 2001, 09:10am
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Originally posted by Bfair
Buster, if you believe that the batter runner is not required to advance to first base, then how do you explain Fed Casebook Play 8.1.1b:

"F2 drops the third strike. B1 starts toward the dugout and F2 does not throw to first. B1 then makes a quick dash to first.
Ruling: If F2 does not throw to first, he risks failure to put out B1. However, "B1 should be declared out for failure to attempt to reach first within a reasonable time if he does not reach the base before the time of the next pitch, he reaches his bench, or a half inning is ended because the infielders have left the diamond. (8-4-1l)."

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Have Carl explain this one to you Buster. Do my eyes deceive me, or does it say "B1 should be declared out for failure to attempt to reach first.
IF there are less than three outs -- BR must go to first or be declared out (or put out). That's the case play.

If there are three or more outs, BR doesn't need to (I'd say "can't legally") continue to advance. That's common sense.