Sunday, during first first game, elimination time for one of the two
teams. Age group 14U.
Runner on 1B, batter attempts a bunt and when takes off for 1B, with
bat still in hand hits the ball again. I call "DB" - batter out.
3Rd Base coach comes rushing up, saying, "Blue that ball did not hit
my runner, it hit her bat." "Coach, what's your point?" "My runner
can only be out if she runs into the ball!"
Same game.
Batter hits line drive towards 2B, but in doing so bat hits catchers
mitt. Signal DDB, play continues, F4 knocks ball down and throws BR out.
I call time, advise offensive coach of his options - result of the
play or being awarded 1B. Natch he took the award. Defensive coach,
same coach as above. "Blue how could my catcher have OBSTD the batter
when the ball was hit high and hard enough she had to jump to knock
it down?" Me, "Just think coach, if your catcher had not OBSTD the
batter's swing where that ball might have gone?" He asked the catcher if the bat hit her mitt. "Yes Sir, it nicked it." "Well back up some!"
Same game.
2-1 count on the batter, ball pitched is ball three. Same catcher as
above, with no runners on throws the ball to 3Rd. I call illegal pitch
and award Batter 1B. Here comes coach. "Blue how can a catcher get an
illegal pitch?" Explain the rule to him and he replaces the catcher.
His team won the game. Go figure.
glen _______________________________
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things
that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines.
Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails.
Explore. Dream. Discover."
--Mark Twain.